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Volumen 6, Ausgabe 1 (2015)


The Development and Application of Genetic Markers for Giant Freshwater Prawns Macrobrachium Rosenbergii by Microsatellites

  • Siripavee Charoenwattanasak, Rakpong Petkham, Aruneepong Srisathapom and Pornthep Niamphithak


Microbiological Quality of Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) and Tilapia (Tilapia Mossambica) Obtained from Wet Markets and Ponds in Malaysia

  • Titik Budiati*,Gulam Rusul,Wan Nadiah Wan- Abdullah,Rosma Ahmad,Yahya Mat Arip


Detection of Ostreopsis ovata from Eastern Sicily Coast Using SEM Microscopy Coupled to the Vibrio fischeri Test

  • Oliveri Conti G, Ledda C, Zuccarello M, Fiore M, Fallico R, Sciacca S and Ferrante M