
The Use Of Miller Broach During Microsonic Removal Of Separated Endodontic File: Case Report

Karoly Schreindorfer, Balint Tordai and Karoly Krajczar

Introduction: The microsonic technique is widely used for separated endodontic instrument removal.

Aim: We evaluated the usability of the Miller broach with the microsonic technique during separated instrument retrieval.

Case report: An attempt was made to remove a fractured instrument using a modified Miller needle mounted in a piezoelectric scaler under the visualization of an operating microscope. The conditions of the procedure were noted. The removal was successful. Severe preparation error did not revealed.

Discussion: The Miller needle have the properties for use in a modified microsonic technique. It can be bent to the individual situation and the preparation is considerable on the tip of the instrument. The procedure can be wellcontrolled and the operator may avoid excessive dentin removal.

Conclusion and clinical relevance: The Miller broach fulfills the requirements of the microsonic technique and have financial advantages.