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Spirulina platensis and Chlorella vulgaris Assisted Bioremediation Heavy Metal Contaminated Aquatic Ecosystem

Avinash R. Nichat*, S. A. Shaffi, V. K. Kakaria

Living organisms require trace amounts of some heavy metals including copper, lead, magnesium, vanadium, zinc
etc. Human activities have influenced bio-chemical and geological cycles. Metal ions become toxic in nature when
they are beyond tolerance limit. In aquatic ecosystem, fishes and microbes have close, intimate and unseparated
contact from the embryonic to adult stage. Bioremediation is therefore an eco-friendly and efficient method of
reclaiming environments contaminated with heavy metals by making use of the inherent biological mechanisms
of microorganisms and plants to eradicate hazardous contaminants. Microbes play a key role in controlling the
speciation and cycling of metals in water. Bio-availability, toxicity and reactivity of metals is greatly influenced to
have a better understanding of the major factors that link microbial activity to the bio-geo-chemistry of metals.
Micro-organism and other natural products plants and animals and there by- products capable of cycling metals
for bio-remediation of contaminated site without any side effect on environment. This investigation discusses the
toxic effects of heavy metal pollution and the mechanisms used by microbes for environmental remediation. It also
emphasized the importance of modern techniques and approaches in improving the ability of microbial enzymes
to effectively degrade heavy metals at a faster rate, highlighting recent advances in microbial bioremediation for the
removal of heavy metals from the environment.