
Effect of Constant Temperature (20ºC,25ºC,30ºC,35°C,40ºC) on the Development of Parasarcophaga Ruficornis (FAB) (Sarcophagidae: Diptera)

Bansode SA*, More VR and Zambare SP

Forensic entomology can be defined as the knowledge of insect and its relationship with a decomposed body. Post-mortem interval (PMI) can be determined by taking into consideration the insect species, the developmental stage of the insects and surrounding temperature as the duration of the life cycle stages depends on temperature. Parasarcophaga (Liopygia) Ruficornisis a well-known flesh fly species of medical importance, both as a myiasis-producing agent and fly seen in a forensic entomology context. Sarcophagidae, commonly known as flesh fly. Parasarcophaga Ruficornis larvae were reared in the incubator at 20,25,30,35 and 40°C separately. The developmental data, temperature and relative humidity of the rearing room were recorded from the time the larvae were collected until the emergence of the adult flies. The duration of the developmental stages of Parasarcophaga Ruficornis for all temperatures was recorded accordingly. Results obtained indicated that Parasarcophaga Ruficornis developmental stages grew normally up to 35ºC but at higher temperatures there was mortality; however, the rate of the development of the developing stages was very high at 40°C. At low temperature, the time required to complete the life cycle was highly prolonged. Thus it is very important to consider the temperature during the determination of perfect PMI. The life cycle was completed in about 21 days at 20ºC, 18 days at 25ºC, 14 days at 30ºC, 11 days at 35ºC and 10days at 40ºC.