
CO2 over a Coastal Urban Location and its Forcing

Sandhya K Nair*, Madhusoodanan MS

Recognizing the role of Carbon dioxide (CO2) in altering climate research and air pollution, direct measurements carried out over a coastal urban station using Li-COR CO2/H2O analyser. The objective of the present study is to examine CO2 variability during December-March. Day-to-day variability of CO2 ranges from 380-550 ppm with a mean (423.1) and standard deviation (29.2). Monthly mean diurnal variability of CO2 is maximum during midnight to early morning hours and minimum during afternoon. Overall diurnal variation is similar during the entire months. The link between CO2 concentrations with Wind Speed (WS), Atmospheric Temperature (T) is examined. Wind speed varies inversely with CO2. Atmospheric temperature shows an exponentially decaying relation with CO2. The diurnal CO2 variability is associated with the competing source/sink mechanisms. The CO2 forcing is estimated and varies from 0.75 to 3.5 Wm-2 with temperature change from 1.75 to 2.0˚C.