
Assessment of Major and Trace Elements in Aquatic Macrophytes, Soils and Bottom Sediments Collected Along Different Water Objects in the Black Sea Coastal Zone by Using Neutron Activation Analysis

Nekhoroshkov PS, Kravtsova AV, Kamnev AN, Duliu O Bunkova OM , Frontasyeva MV1 and Yermakov IP

The levels and compartmentalization of Na, Mg, Al, Cl, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Mo, Sb, I, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Tb, Hf, Ta, Au, Th, and U in Phragmites australis Carex conescens L and Cladophora sericea from the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea Anapa recreational region was investigated by Neutron Activation Analysis. The study touches upon subject of the sediment-to-plant and root-to-leaf elemental transfer as well as of the influence of anthropogenic pollution on wetland ecosystems in zone of resort. The content of the majority of considered elements was found higher in the belowground organs of P. australis than in the aboveground tissues while a reverse regularity was evidenced for C. conescens. The levels of elements decrease from bottom sediments to aquatic plants with the notable exception of the halogens Cl, Br and I that presented 5 to 100 fold higher content in plants than in sediments. The increased levels of As, Mo, and Sb in some soil and sediment samples most probably indicate the anthropogenic pollution. It recommends them for a continuous monitoring of the same area.