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Assessment and management of Cognition and motor impairment after stroke through exploratory data analysis and formulation of a model incorporating conventional existing and newer neuro-technology tools.

Nahid kouser*, Deepak lohar, Jafar khan and Atulabh vajpayee

Stroke is defines as a sudden neurological deficit caused by focal vascular lesion. Stroke is a potentially life changing event that can have lasting physical and emotional effects. Cognition is a term that refers to the mental processes involved in acquiring information and understanding. These cognitive processes include thought, learning, recalling, evaluating, and solving problems. Stroke affects the cognitive domain, which includes attention, memory, language, and orientation. The most affected domains are attention and executive functions; at the time of stroke diagnosis, memory problems are often prominent. whereas Motor impairment refers to a condition in which an individual experiences difficulties or limitations in the control and coordination of body movements. Motor impairment can affect both gross motor skills (involving larger muscle groups and movements) and fine motor skills (involving smaller, more precise movements).

Porpuse: We aimed to optimize therapeutic multidisciplinary, multimodality neurorehabilitation interventions, neurotechnology and tools in large prospective cohort through data analysis.

Subjects and method: After the approval of institutional ethical committee, ischemic stroke between 18-60 years of age group patients were selected for the study based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria .we had created 2 groups in which we did advance plus conventional and conventional rehabilitation .the data was taken by using NIHS, MRS. The data was analyzed at the time of admission then 3rd month follow up then every 3 monthly till 2 year of enrollment.

Result: conventional and newer technology tools were compared using the chi square test for quantitative variables .there was a significant difference found in both the groups..p value was obtained by comparing both the groups [conventional rehabilitation and conventional plus advanced rehabilitation] after 3 months, according to the NIHS scale the p value was 0.297 which is non-significant ,according to the MRS there was highly significant value which was 0.0004 .

Conclusion: In this study both treatment groups obtained successful outcomes as measured by NIHS, MRS. There was significantly difference found between the two groups at these scales .the result of this study showed that the newer technology tools can decrease the cognitive impairment after stroke, there was also observed that newer technology tools give faster recovery as compared to the conventional rehabilitation alone